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Salt Lake City Airport Incident: Unticketed Passenger Escorted off Delta Flight by Police

Salt Lake City Airport Incident: Unticketed Passenger Escorted off Delta Flight by Police

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SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH – An unticketed passenger was removed from a Delta flight at Salt Lake City International Airport, according to police.

Incident Details

Authorities say the individual managed to board the flight without a ticket before being discovered by the crew. The passenger was promptly escorted off the aircraft by law enforcement.

Response from Delta Airlines

Delta Airlines confirmed the incident and expressed their gratitude for the swift action taken by airport security and police officers. They emphasized their commitment to maintaining the safety and security of all passengers.

Police Investigation

Law enforcement officials are currently investigating how the unticketed passenger was able to gain access to the flight. They are working closely with airport security to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.


Passengers on the Delta flight were reportedly not delayed as a result of the incident, and the flight departed on schedule. Authorities are urging all travelers to ensure they have proper documentation before attempting to board any flights.

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