3 min read

Investigating the Truth: Fact-Checking the Claim That Solar Panels Are Toxic

Climate change and the transition to cleaner, sustainable energy solutions have become pivotal issues in today’s world. As the demand for renewable energy sources rises, concerns and misconceptions about wind turbines and solar panels have surfaced. It is crucial to separate fact from fiction and assertively address the questions surrounding these green energy technologies.

3 min read

Environmental Progress or Nuisance? Kansas Landowners Clash over Solar Power Installations

Solar power has the potential to drastically transform the energy landscape, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and providing a more sustainable source of electricity. In rural areas, where vast open spaces abound, solar farms are becoming increasingly common. However, the installation of these farms is not always met with enthusiasm, as one couple in Kansas recently discovered.

3 min read

California Faces Drastic Drop in Rooftop Solar Demand: A Closer Look at the Plummeting Numbers

California, known for its progressive energy policies and commitment to sustainability, has recently faced a major setback in its rooftop solar industry. The demand for rooftop solar installations has experienced a substantial decline, leaving both homeowners and industry experts concerned about the state’s renewable energy goals.

3 min read

China’s Solar Power Dominance: Record-Breaking Installations Trump US’s Entire History

China, the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases, has set another impressive environmental record by adding an unprecedented number of solar panels in 2023. According to recent reports, China has added more solar panels in a single year than the United States has in its entire history. This significant achievement demonstrates China’s commitment to combatting climate change and transitioning towards cleaner sources of energy.

3 min read

The year in clean energy: Wind, solar and batteries grow despite economic challenges

Despite economic challenges faced globally in the past year, clean energy sources such as wind, solar, and batteries have experienced significant growth. The renewable energy sector has continued to thrive, bolstered by advancements in technology and increased efforts to combat climate change. This article examines the remarkable progress achieved in the clean energy sector throughout the year.

3 min read

US Considering Hiking Tariffs on China EVs, Solar Products, WSJ Reports

The United States government is reportedly contemplating raising tariffs on electric vehicles (EVs) and solar products imported from China, according to a recent report by The Wall Street Journal (WSJ). The potential move comes as part of the ongoing trade tensions between the two economic powerhouses and aims to address concerns related to domestic industry competition and intellectual property theft.