Analyst predicts Google stock price response to Apple rumors

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Analyst unveils a Google stock price target following rumors about Apple, predicting a bullish outlook for the tech giant.

Target Price

The analyst set a target price for Google at $2,000 per share, citing strong revenue growth and expanding market share as driving factors.

Financial Performance

Google’s stock has been on a steady rise, outperforming market expectations and showing resilience amidst market volatility.

Apple Competition

Rumors about Apple entering Google’s space have fueled investor speculation, but the analyst believes Google’s strong position in the market will help it maintain its dominance.

Investor Confidence

Investors are encouraged by the positive outlook on Google’s stock price, with many seeing it as a buy opportunity for long-term growth potential.


With a target price set and strong market performance, Google is poised for continued success in the tech industry. Investors can expect steady growth and solid returns from this tech giant.

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