Apple Denies All Allegations in DOJ’s Antitrust Lawsuit

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Distribution of Apple’s statement on DOJ antitrust lawsuit

Apple has categorically denied all allegations made by the Department of Justice (DOJ) in their recent antitrust lawsuit, stating that the claims are baseless and without merit. The tech giant has reiterated its commitment to fair competition and customer satisfaction, promising to vigorously defend itself against what it perceives as an unjust attack on its business practices.

Apple disputes allegations of anti-competitive behavior

In a strongly-worded statement released to the press, Apple refuted the DOJ’s claims that it engages in anti-competitive behavior by imposing unreasonable restrictions on developers and customers. The company emphasized its efforts to foster innovation and provide a level playing field for all app developers on its platform, highlighting the benefits of its App Store ecosystem.

The company defends its App Store policies

Apple defended its App Store policies, asserting that they are designed to protect the security and privacy of its users, as well as to maintain the integrity of the platform. The tech giant highlighted the numerous safeguards in place to prevent fraud, malware, and other threats, underscoring its commitment to ensuring a safe and secure app experience for all customers.

Apple vows to continue its fight against the antitrust lawsuit

Apple made it clear that it will not back down in the face of the DOJ’s antitrust lawsuit, declaring its intention to aggressively defend itself in court. The company reiterated its confidence that the legal process will ultimately vindicate its position and uphold its commitment to fair competition and consumer protection.

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