Google’s Dominance in Jiu Jujutsu Raises Concerns Among VC Community

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Venture capitalist investor John Smith expressed concerns about the dominance of Google in the tech industry, fearing that the company’s power could stifle competition and innovation.

Impact on Startups

Smith worries that Google’s vast resources and influence could make it difficult for smaller startups to compete in the market and gain visibility among consumers.

Market Control

The investor pointed out that Google’s control over search engines and online advertising could give it an unfair advantage, potentially harming other companies in the industry.

Competitive Landscape

Despite his concerns, Smith remains hopeful that Google’s dominance can be challenged by new developments in technology and changes in consumer preferences.

Outlook for the Future

The venture capitalist believes that the tech industry is constantly evolving, and that new players and innovations could disrupt Google’s hold on the market in the future.


While acknowledging the challenges posed by Google’s dominance, John Smith remains optimistic about the future of the tech industry and the potential for new players to emerge and shape the landscape.

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