Lawyers argue autism should impact sentencing for crypto billionaire Sam Bankman-Fried

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Sam Bankman-Fried, the founder of the cryptocurrency exchange FTX, is currently facing legal troubles that have made headlines in recent weeks. His lawyers are now arguing for a shorter prison sentence for their client, citing his autism as a mitigating factor in the case.

Legal team seeks leniency

Bankman-Fried’s legal team is seeking leniency from the court in light of his autism diagnosis. They argue that his condition should be taken into consideration when determining his sentence for the alleged crimes he is accused of committing.

Court proceedings

During recent court proceedings, Bankman-Fried’s lawyers presented evidence and testimony highlighting how his autism has affected his behavior and decision-making process. They emphasized that he should not be held to the same standard as individuals without autism, as his condition impacts his ability to understand social cues and make sound judgments.

Advocating for understanding

Bankman-Fried’s legal team is advocating for a more nuanced understanding of autism in the legal system. They believe that individuals with autism should be treated with empathy and compassion, rather than harsh punishment. They are urging the court to take Bankman-Fried’s diagnosis into account when sentencing him.


As the legal battle continues, Bankman-Fried’s lawyers are tirelessly working to secure a shorter prison sentence for their client. They are hopeful that the court will consider his autism as a mitigating factor and show him leniency in light of his condition.

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