2 min read

Security Flaw Exposed: SSH Backdoor Targeting xz Library in Linux Systems

The malicious SSH backdoor has been detected in the xz data compression library for Linux, raising concerns among the Linux community. The compromised library has been distributed to various Linux distributions, putting the security of countless systems at risk.

2 min read

Expert Warns of Urgent Need for AI Security Infrastructure Following Foreign Actors’ Use of OpenAI

Urgent Action Needed
The report from security experts underscores the critical need for immediate action to address the potential security risks posed by the use of AI technologies for malicious purposes. The rapid advancements in AI technology have made it easier for bad actors to leverage these tools for their own nefarious ends.

3 min read

Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran Accused of Engaging in Malicious Cyber Activities, OpenAI Reports

OpenAI, a renowned artificial intelligence research organization, has released a recent report asserting that several countries, including Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran, have been utilizing GPT (generative pre-trained transformer) technology for engaging in “malicious cyber activities.” The report shed light on the potential dangers posed by these countries in harnessing AI advancements to execute cyberattacks.