2 min read

Analysts Sound Alarm on Potential Impact of FOMC Meeting on Bitcoin

Bitcoin (BTC) and other cryptocurrencies are facing potential risks following the recent Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting, according to analysts. The meeting discussed possible interest rate hikes and tapering of asset purchases, which could impact the prices of digital assets.

2 min read

State Dept.-commissioned report warns AI could pose ‘extinction-level’ threat to humanity

A new State Department-commissioned report has warned that artificial intelligence (AI) could pose an ‘extinction-level’ threat to humans if left unchecked. The report calls for urgent intervention by the United States to address the potential dangers posed by AI in various sectors.

2 min read

Concerns Raised Over Safety of Eye Products Available at Walmart and CVS”

Recent studies have shown that eye products sold at major retailers like Walmart and CVS may pose a potential risk for infection if not handled or used correctly. The products in question include contact lenses, contact lens solutions, eye drops, and other eye care items that are commonly sold over-the-counter.

3 min read

Small Businesses and Contractors at High Stakes Due to Labor Department’s New Ruling

The United States Department of Labor recently introduced a new rule that could potentially have a significant impact on small businesses and independent contractors. The rule, which aims to clarify the distinction between employees and independent contractors, could lead to increased costs and legal challenges for many small firms.