1 min read

FTC Issues Warning About Scammers Targeting Financial Experts Following $50K Voice Phishing Hoax

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) issued a warning today about a recent increase in voice phishing scams targeting individuals. The announcement comes after New York Magazine’s finance columnist revealed that she fell victim to a $50,000 scam involving a fake phone call.

3 min read

CBS Under Fire for Silencing ‘Lone Voice’ Catherine Herridge in Hunter Biden Laptop Inquiry

In a shocking move that has sent shockwaves through the journalistic world, CBS has come under intense criticism for firing investigative reporter Catherine Herridge. Herridge, known for her relentless pursuit of the truth, had been investigating the controversial Hunter Biden laptop story that has attracted significant public interest. The network’s decision to silence Herridge, often dubbed the “lone voice” at CBS, has sparked outrage among viewers and fellow journalists alike.

3 min read

Alabama Power Customers Rally Together to Express Worries Over Surging Utility Bills

Alabama Power customers are increasingly voicing their concerns over unexpectedly high utility bills. Many residents have been shocked by the significant increases in their monthly payments, causing them to question the reasons behind such spikes. The surge in complaints has prompted calls for more transparency from the utility company, as customers seek explanations and solutions.

3 min read

New Study Shows Voice Messages on Hinge Up Your Dating Game by 40% – CEO Confirms!

Dating apps have become an integral part of modern relationships, allowing people to connect in new and exciting ways. With the rise of online dating, Hinge has emerged as one of the leading platforms for individuals seeking meaningful connections. Now, the CEO of Hinge has revealed a groundbreaking statistic that could enhance your chances of finding love – sending voice messages can increase your likelihood of securing a date by a staggering 40%.