Tips to avoid porch pirates during the holiday season

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Tips to Avoid Porch Pirates during the Holiday Season

With the holiday season fast approaching, it is important to take necessary precautions to avoid falling victim to porch pirates. These thieves, who steal packages left outside your doorstep, are on the rise, leaving many people at a loss during what should be a joyous time. By following a few simple steps, you can protect your deliveries and ensure a worry-free holiday season.

1. Schedule Deliveries Wisely

One effective way to avoid porch pirates is to schedule your deliveries at a time when you can be home to receive them. Many online retailers now offer flexible delivery options, allowing you to choose the date and time that suits you best. By opting for a time when you’re likely to be home, you can ensure that your packages are safe and sound.

2. Use Package Lockers or Alternate Delivery Locations

If you know you won’t be home during the delivery window, consider using package lockers or alternate delivery locations. Many cities now have secure package lockers where your items can be delivered and safely stored until you retrieve them. Alternatively, you could have your packages delivered to your workplace or to a trusted friend or family member who will be home to receive them.

3. Request Signature Confirmation

When placing orders online, make it a point to request signature confirmation upon delivery. This ensures that your package won’t be left unattended outside your home, as someone will need to sign for it. This small extra step can significantly reduce the risk of theft and provide you with peace of mind.

4. Install a Security Camera

Investing in a security camera specifically for your front porch area is another effective way to deter porch pirates. Visible cameras act as a deterrent, as most thieves will think twice before attempting to steal packages if they know they are being recorded. In the event that a theft does occur, having a recorded video can provide invaluable evidence for law enforcement.

5. Utilize Package Tracking

Tracking your packages is essential so that you know exactly when they are expected to arrive. Most online retailers provide tracking numbers, which can be used to monitor the progress of your deliveries. By staying informed about the status of your packages, you can make arrangements to be home or ensure someone is available to receive them.

6. Communicate with Neighbors

Maintaining good relationships with your neighbors can be beneficial when it comes to preventing package theft. Consider informing your neighbors about your upcoming deliveries and ask if they would be willing to keep an eye out for any packages left at your doorstep. In return, you can offer to do the same for them, fostering a sense of community and cooperation.


As porch pirates become increasingly common during the holiday season, it is crucial to take steps to protect your packages from theft. By scheduling deliveries wisely, using package lockers or alternate delivery locations, requesting signature confirmation, installing a security camera, utilizing package tracking, and communicating with your neighbors, you can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to these thieves. With these proactive measures in place, you can enjoy a stress-free holiday season knowing that your packages are safe and secure.

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